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Code of Conduct

The following behavior will not be tolerated:

  • Actions which may damage the Rivertown Pickleball complex property.
  • Improper attire including cleats, sandals, crocs, slip-on street shoes, bare/sock feet; Players must wear shirts and non-marking athletic shoes.
  • Verbal outbursts which are profane, threatening or abusive to other players causing one’s safety to be at risk or disruption of their game.
  • Acts or language which harasses or belittles a fellow Rivertown Pickleball member, teammate or opponent or which creates turmoil and dissension among members.

Proper court etiquette must be observed by all players including:​

  • Players must share court time when other players are waiting to play. Please adhere to the following court courtesy rules:
  • Limit your game to a score of 11, win by 2, and then rotate off the court.
  • The players in the Paddle Holders will be the next ones on the court.
  • Only Active Players are allowed on the courts (except for Events, Clinics and supervising parents and/or guardians). While not playing, await your turn in one of the shade structures.

If any of the guidelines are violated, the RPSI board retains the right to issue warnings and suspend court privileges or membership.